Deliverables - restricted access

Deliverable numberDeliverable TitleWP numberLead beneficiaryPerson monthsNatureDissemination levelDelivery date mthStatus
D1.1First 6 months of continuous flux data of CO2, H2O, O3 and meteorological variables at 9 sites 11_NERC50OPP18Completed
D1.2Final 9 months of continuous flux data of CO2, H2O, O3 and meteorological variables at 9 sites 11_NERC60OPP24Completed
D1.32 x 6 weeks of campaign-based fluxes of VOCs, NH3 and NOx at selected sites 11_NERC50OPP24Completed
D1.4NH3 fluxes over Mediterranean semi-natural surfaces 11_NERC5OPP15Completed
D1.5Integrated dataset of canopy scale flux and in-canopy gradient measurements at a forest site11_NERC20OPP16Completed
D3.1NH3 emission model for agricultural management (improved with regard to its sensitivity to predicted changes in environmental conditions and management) 310_KIT10OPP30Completed
D3.2Background bi-directional NH3 exchange with soil/vegetation module (updated parameterization and inclusion of co-deposition effects) 310_KIT4OPP30Completed
D3.3Soil NO emission model (improved parameterization with regard to responses to changes in environmental conditions)310_KIT7OPP30Completed
D3.4BVOC modelling framework allowing to integrate effects of climate and atmospheric composition change310_KIT4OPP30Completed
D4.1Improved pollution- and climate-sensitive exchange parameterisations for the main inorganic Nr compounds, suitable for inclusion in CTMs and underpinning mapping of novel thresholds and exceedances 413_INRA15OPP36Completed
D4.2Ozone dry deposition parameterisations, improved with respect to changes in climate and environmental conditions, suitable for inclusion in CTMs and underpinning mapping of novel thresholds and exceedances413_INRA5DPP36Completed
D4.3A coupled pollutant deposition and photosynthesis model (DOSE_C), based on the existing DO3SE model for O3 deposition 413_INRA6OPP36Completed
D4.4A vertically-resolved, multi-layer in-canopy chemical processing model of NO-NO2-O3-VOCs and NH3-HNO3-NH4NO3 exchange413_INRA7OPP36Completed
D4.5Inferential model current and future estimates of Nr and O3 deposition at the ÉCLAIRE effect study sites of Component 3 413_INRA16OPP42 
D6.1Initial dynamic biogenic emissions, based on synthesis of existing work and mainly for test and set-up of ÉCLAIRE atmospheric model experiments WP2.3 and in 4.1. Test for compatibility of file format & establish appropriate resolution for use in atmospheric models62_ULUND9OPP8



(updated 12/10/2012)

D6.2Improved terrestrial (semi-) natural and agricultural emissions in response to integrated effects of climate change, change in atmospheric CO2 and N burden and land use/land management change 62_ULUND9OPP30Completed
D7.2Improved EMEP model with climate-change and canopy-chemistry capabilities, able to predict the impacts of changing climate and emissions on APMs76_met.no10OPP40 Completed
D7.5Source-receptor matrices of APMs for current and future conditions for use in effects and integrated assessment components76_met.no12OPP36Completed
D8.4Sub-Grid module for inclusion in the EMEP model, enabling the description of sub-grid variability, based on activities from Tasks 2.4.1 and 2.4.288_ECN13OPP30Completed
D9.2First phase database for use in initial modelling and identification of data gaps for experiments being conducted in WP3.2 and WP3.391_NERC8OPP12Completed
D9.3Completed database, response-functions and results of meta-analysis handed to WPs 3.4 and 3.5.91_NERC7.7OPP24Completed
D10.1Ecosystem and plant characteristic data for model application103_DTU26OPP12Completed
D10.2One year ecosystem response data on plant responses to experimental changes103_DTU30OPP18Completed
D10.3One year response data on ecosystem carbon balance responses to experimental changes and interactions with air pollution factors103_DTU30OPP24Completed
D11.1Parameterization of the impact of reduced and oxidised wet and dry N deposition on GHG and NOx fluxes, N immobilisation, natural vegetation types, species physiology, soil chemistry, and losses and allocation of C and N119_CNR14OPP18Completed
D11.2Predictive modelling of GHG fluxes, especially CO2 under different N deposition regimes 119_CNR12OPP24Completed
D11.3Quantification and parameterization of foliar O3 deposition under progressing drought and temperature stress (mo. 16) and during leaf development and seasonal metabolic changes 119_CNR12OPP24Completed
D11.4Measurement and parameterization of the fraction of O3 that is taken up by leaves due to detoxification by constitutive BVOC, under associated environmental constraints and during leaf development 119_CNR12OPP34Completed
D11.5Quantification of minimum epidermal conductance under different loads of particles (Month 12) and estimation of transpiration increase by specified amounts of aerosols119_CNR12OPP20Completed
D11.6Parameterization of water use efficiency for model use (WP3.5) under conditions of particle pollution119_CNR12OPP30Completed
D12.2Documentation of the DO3SE_C model1212_SEI-Y, UoY7OPP24Completed
D12.3Delivery of novel thresholds for key dose-response relationships for use in regional scale modelling and mapping relevant for ecosystem service assessment1212_SeI-Y, UoY7OPP30Completed
D13.2New version of DO3SE model to simulate the combined effects of O3, N, S, diffuse radiation and climate on plant CO2 uptake 131_NERC10OPP18Completed
D14.1Synthesis of applicable data on impacts of ozone on photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and plant functioning1411_JRC15OPP6Completed
D14.2Updated versions of DGVMs and DSVMs that include O3 uptake model and N deposition on carbon uptake 1411_JRC15OPP18Completed
D14.3Validated and evaluated version of models ( DGVMs and DSVMs) using databases on plant productivity1411_JRC15OPP24Completed
D14.4Model runs (DGVMs and DSVMS) using the ÉCLAIRE scenarios of future emissions and climate change1411_JRC15OPP30Completed
D14.5Ensemble dataset of model runs to assess the impact of combined air pollution and climate change scenarios on ecosystem C/GHG balance1411_JRC15OPP36Completed
D15.1The model EUMOVE154_ALTERRA3OPP24Completed
D15.2Collated dataset of European soil 14C data used to define soil turnover times as a function of soil/vegetation type, for model parameterisation 154_ALTERRA4OPP24Completed
D15.3The VSD+-EUMOVE and MADOC-EUMOVE models linked to European databases 154_ALTERRA4OPP30Completed
D15.4Assessments of the effects of combined air pollution and climate change scenarios on plant species diversity and soil quality and derive thresholds based on criteria for soil quality and plant species diversity154_ALTERRA2OPP42Completed
D16.1Indicators for geo-chemical and biological endpoints1614_RIVM8OPP12Completed
D17.1Database of soil and vegetation data for the regional (5 x 5 km and 1 x 1 km) and landscape (~ 50 x 50 m) domains1723_UPM5OPP12Completed
D17.2Database of ammonia concentration and nitrogen deposition data (from A2.4) for the regional (5 x 5 km and 1 x 1 km) and landscape (~ 50 x 50 m) domains, where available1723_UPM5OPP18Completed
D18.2Description of data for quantifying ecosystem effects and for valuation, including protocols for handling uncertainties1834_EMRC6OPP24Completed
D18.4Scenario analysis to include policy recommendations and advice to other interest groups (Month 48, joint report with D5.3.9)1834_EMRC4OPP48Completed 
D21.1Initial scenario guide as an updatable, internal web page215_IIASA2OPP6Completed
D21.2ÉCLAIRE scenario reference215_IIASA6OPP42 Completed
D21.3Agreement on common measurement protocols for components C1 and C32115_FDEA-ART9DPP8Completed
D21.4Agreement on common modelling and uncertainty documentation protocols across components C1-52115_FDEA-ART0.25OPP9



D21.5First report on uncertainty in model output due to structural elements2128_UEDIN0.25OPP36Completed
D21.6Final report on uncertainty in model output due to structural elements2128_UEDIN0.25OPP48Completed 
D21.7ÉCLAIRE Data Management Plan & Data Policy Documents 211_NERC1OPP6Completed
D21.8ÉCLAIRE Data Portal211_NERC1OPP6Completed
D21.9Database training sessions for users – online tutorials211_NERC1OPP8Completed
D23.1ÉCLAIRE training plan2323_UPM0.5OPP6Completed
D23.5Concept for ÉCLAIRE Summer School2323_UPM1OPP12 Completed
D24.1A project web portal for internal and external project communication241_NERC1OPP1



D24.2First dissemination and communication plan241_NERC1OPP18 Completed
D24.3Second dissemination and communication plan241_NERC0.2OPP36Completed
D24.4Final dissemination and communication plan241_NERC1OPP48Completed 
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