Deliverable number | Deliverable Title | WP number | Lead beneficiary | Person months | Nature | Dissemination level | Delivery date mth | Status |
D1.6 | 4 publications on integrated forest campaign | 1 | 1-NERC | 9 | R | PU | 30 | Completed |
D2.1 | Initial database of controlled emission measurements on soil and litter | 2 | 7-Juelich | 12 | O | PU | 24 | Completed |
D2.2 | Data on microbial N turnover and NO (N2O) and CO2 emissions from soils following re-wetting of dried soils for improving parameterization of models | 2 | 7-Juelich | 1 | O | PU | 24 | Completed |
D2.3 | Assessment of primary and secondary BVOC exchange rates in controlled conditions under simulated climate change and pollution scenarios | 2 | 7-Juelich | 20 | R | PU | 22 | Completed |
D2.4 | Definition and improved parameterization of fluxes of BVOC under new environmental constraints and in relation to pollutants and endogenous induced emissions of NO and reactive oxygen species | 2 | 7-Juelich | 8 | R | PU | 42 | Completed |
D2.5 | Manuscript on constitutive emission considered for ozone balance | 2 | 7-Juelich | 3 | R | PU | 13 | Completed |
D2.6 | Manuscript on stress induced emissions considered in ozone balance | 2 | 7-Juelich | 3 | R | PU | 45 | Completed |
D5.1 | Assessment of current GCMs and CTMS to reproduced recent trends models by comparison with selected observations | 5 | 11_JRC | 7 | R | PU | 18 | Completed |
D5.2 | Report describing the range of future evolutions of global, hemispheric and European O3, O3 precursors, and aerosol using a range of anthropogenic and natural emissions | 5 | 11_JRC | 7 | R | PU | 36 | Completed |
D5.3 | Report describing the contributions of regions and processes on key environmental variables under future conditions | 5 | 11_JRC | 7 | R | PU | 36 | Completed |
D5.4 | Boundary conditions for regional conditions | 5 | 11_JRC | 7 | R | PU | 24 | Completed |
D6.3 | Sectoral emission profiles for selected source sectors and countries for application in local-to-regional scale models | 6 | 2_ULUND | 7.5 | O | PU | 30 | Completed |
D7.1 | Maps of current air pollution metrics (APMs) across Europe, from the EMEP model and five other CTMs in order to provide a best-estimate and uncertainty range on vegetation effects metrics | 7 | | 10 | R | PU | 18 | Completed |
D7.3 | Report on effects of in-canopy BVOC and NO emissions on in-canopy O3 and POD estimates | 7 | | 10 | R | PU | 44 | Completed |
D7.4 | Report on effects of changes in global climate, chemistry, emissions and landcover changes on APMs | 7 | | 10 | R | PU | 48 | Completed |
D8.1 | Synthesis report on the different local scale models dealing with atmosphere-biosphere exchange and their relevance for describing the climate change / air pollution interactions | 8 | 8_ECN | 11 | R | PU | 12 | Completed |
D8.2 | Report on local scale interactions (and their variability) between air quality and climate change, based on modelling studies for selected regions in Europe | 8 | 8_ECN | 11 | R | PU | 30 | Completed |
D8.3 | Concentration and deposition maps, for the regions mentioned above, at 5 x 5 km2, 1 x 1 km2, down to 50 x 50 m2 resolution for different components (e.g. NH3, NOx, O3) | 8 | 8_ECN | 11 | R | PU | 16 | Completed |
D9.1 | Progress report on availability of data for use in Activities 3.4 and 3.5 | 9 | 1_NERC | 8 | R | PU | 6 | Completed |
D12.1 | Summary report describing key response parameters derived from empirical studies and suitable for use in the first phase of the ecosystem valuation work | 12 | 12_SEI-Y, UoY | 6 | R | PU | 12 | Completed |
D12.4 | Final Report describing new dose-response relationships and novel thresholds | 12 | 12_SEI-Y, UoY | 6 | R | PU | 40 | Completed |
D13.1 | Finalised list of models for use in C3, and list of data requirements for each model | 13 | 1_NERC | 10 | R | PU | 6 | Completed |
D13.3 | Report on performance of site-based and regional-scale models in tests against experimental site data, to inform large-scale model application in C4 | 13 | 1_NERC | 9 | R | PU | 24 | Completed |
D13.4 | Report on assessment of the effects of combined air pollution and climate change scenarios on ecosystem C/GHG balance, soil quality and vegetation change at all experimental sites, based on integrated models | 13 | 1_NERC | 10 | R | PU | 36 | Completed |
D14.6 | Report on the comparison of regional-scale models applied on test sites in C3 with large-scale model runs | 14 | 11_JRC | 15 | R | PU | 40 | Completed |
D14.7 | Report on ensemble application of DGVMs and DSVMs and intercomparison of model results on plant production/carbon sink strength in response to scenarios for the period 1900-2100 | 14 | 11_JRC | 15 | R | PU | 42 | Completed |
D14.8 | Report on the impacts of historic and future changes (period 1900-2100) in climate, air quality and agricultural management on crop production | 14 | 11_JRC | 15 | R | PU | 44 | Completed |
D16.2 | Map of critical ozone uptake thresholds at European scale | 16 | 14_RIVM | 8 | R | PU | 24 | Completed |
D16.3 | Map of critical N loads based on an inverse VSD+-EUMOVE approach at European scale | 16 | 14_RIVM | 8 | R | PU | 34 | Completed |
D16.4 | Map of critical N load and critical ozone uptake exceedances based on a comparison with EMEP model results | 16 | 14_RIVM | 8 | R | PU | 40 | Completed |
D16.5 | Feedback from the GAINS model on the applicability of the newly acquired critical thresholds in scenario analysis" | 16 | 14_RIVM | 8 | R | PU | 36 | Completed |
D17.3 | Assessments of the uncertainty of critical thresholds for N and their exceedances at the European scale (50 x 50 km) due to model resolution for the present period and for simple future climate/emission/land cover scenarios (where available) | 17 | 23_UPM | 6 | R | PU | 44 | Completed |
D18.1 | Report on existing applications of the ESA in Europe and prioritisation of ecosystems and ecosystem services for detailed assessment | 18 | 34_EMRC | 5 | R | PU | 12 | Completed |
D18.3 | Elaboration of the modelling approach, to include illustrative applications | 18 | 34_EMRC | 6 | R | PU | 30 | Completed |
D19.1 | progress report on the implementation of new effect indicators and critical thresholds in the GAINS modelling system | 19 | 14_RIVM | 4 | R | PU | 12 | Completed |
D19.2 | Reporton the modelling system for the impacts assessment under ÉCLAIRE | 19 | 14_RIVM | 4 | R | PU | 24 | Completed |
D19.3 | Report on magnitude, location and robustness of assessments of adverse effects of GAINS scenarios | 19 | 14_RIVM | 5 | R | PU | 36 | Completed |
D19.4 | Final report on the development, implementation and scenario application of methods and data to assess adverse effects | 19 | 14_RIVM | 3 | R | PU | 44 | Completed |
D20.1 | Report from stakeholder workshop | 20 | 5_IIASA | 1 | R | PU | 9 | Completed |
D20.2 | Detailed description of model integration to establish 2050 scenarios | 20 | 5_IIASA | 4 | R | PU | 14 | Completed |
D20.3 | Detailed description of modelling system beyond 2050 | 20 | 5_IIASA | 4 | R | PU | 19 | Completed |
D20.4 | Description of the consequences of management change as an adaptation strategy on the scenarios investigated | 20 | 4_ALTERRA | 4 | R | PU | 22 | Completed |
D20.5 | Preliminary report on cost optimization for 2050 scenarios | 20 | 4_ALTERRA | 4 | R | PU | 28 | Completed |
D20.6 | Assessment of sensitivities and uncertainties of the scenarios, considering the effects of management changes | 20 | 4_ALTERRA | 4 | R | PU | 36 | Completed |
D20.7 | Final cost optimization scenarios for 2050 and beyond | 20 | 5_IIASA | 3 | R | PU | 44 | Completed |
D20.8 | Policy recommendations and advice to other interest groups – joint report with D5.1.4 | 20 | 5_IIASA | 1 | R | PU | 48 | Completed |
D21.10 | Database documentation and guides for users | 21 | 1_NERC | 1 | R | PU | 8 | Completed Instructions Leaflet Simple guide |
D21.11 | First database report on intermediate and final database content, including QA/QC report | 21 | 1_NERC | 3 | R | PU | 13 | Completed |
D21.12 | Second database report on intermediate and final database content, including QA/QC report | 21 | 1_NERC | 3 | R | PU | 25 | Completed |
D21.13 | Third database report on intermediate and final database content, including QA/QC report | 21 | 1_NERC | 3 | R | PU | 37 | Completed |
D21.14 | Final database report on intermediate and final database content, including QA/QC report | 21 | 1_NERC | 3 | R | PU | 49 | Completed |
D22.1 | Annual progress report year 1 | 22 | 1_NERC | 1 | R | PU | 13 | Completed |
D22.2 | Annual progress report year 2 | 22 | 1_NERC | 1 | R | PU | 25 | Completed |
D22.3 | Annual progress report year 3 | 22 | 1_NERC | 1 | R | PU | 37 | Completed |
D22.4 | Annual progress report year 4 | 22 | 1_NERC | 1 | R | PU | 49 | Completed |
D22.5 | First periodic Gender Action report | 22 | 1_NERC | 0.25 | R | PU | 19 | Completed |
D22.6 | Second periodic Gender Action Report | 22 | 1_NERC | 0.25 | R | PU | 37 | Completed |
D22.7 | Final periodic Gender Action Report | 22 | 1_NERC | 0.25 | R | PU | 49 | Completed |
D23.2 | First periodic report on training activities | 23 | 23_UPM | 0.5 | R | PU | 19 | Completed |
D23.3 | Second periodic report on training activities | 23 | 23_UPM | 1 | R | PU | 37 | Completed |
D23.4 | Final periodic report on training activities | 23 | 23_UPM | 1 | R | PU | 48 | Completed |
D23.6 | Report on ÉCLAIRE Summer School | 23 | 23_UPM | 0.5 | R | PU | 22 | Completed |
D24.5 | First report to the GA on networking activities | 24 | 1_NERC | 1 | R | PU | 18 | Completed |
D24.6 | Second report to the GA on networking activities | 24 | 1_NERC | 1 | R | PU | 36 | Completed |
D24.7 | Final report to the GA on networking activities | 24 | 1_NERC | 1 | R | PU | 48 | Completed |