Kick-off meeting

The ECLAIRE kick-off meeting was held in Brescia, Italy, from 24th-27th October 2011. This page contains links to the presentations from the meeting (it will continue to be updated in the next couple of days). The original programme (including parallel sessions), can be downloaded from the bottom of the page, or from the link here. Minutes from the meeting are also available, but for members only.


Plenary: Introduction Sessions

Introduction to the ECLAIRE project (Mark Sutton)

Introduction to Component 1 (Eiko Nemitz)

Introduction to Component 2 (Almut Arneth)

Introduction to Component 3 (Claus Beier)

Introduction to Component 4 (Wim de Vries)

Introduction to Component 5 (Markus Amann)

Introduction to Workpackage 21: Standards and Data Management (Clare Howard)

 Plenary: General Assembly

Summaries from component and task leaders (note not all component/task leaders used slides in this session)

Other activities


Parallel Sessions

The presentations from Sessions 3c and 4b (Component 3) can be found at the following link (members only).

PDF icon programme kick-off 16-9-11.pdf571.88 KB