9th Summer School on Atmospheric Aerosol Physics, Measurement, and Sampling, Hyytiälä, Finland
9th Summer School on Atmospheric Aerosol Physics, Measurement, and Sampling
Hyytiälä, Finland, May 4-10, 2013
This summer school is advanced course to deeper train aspects for atmospheric aerosol measurements: Physical, mechanical, and electrical properties, sampling, particle filters, impactors, mobility and aerodynamic size spectrometers, particle counters, integrating nephelometer, absorption photometers, online mass measurements, aerosol mass spectrometer
Prof. Dr. Kaarle Hämeri,
University of Helsinki, Finland (kaarle.hameri@helsinki.fi)
Prof. Dr. Alfred Wiedensohler,
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany (ali@tropos.de)
GAW-World Calibration Centre for Aerosol Physics (WCCAP)
Dr. Jean-Philippe Putaud
Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy (jean.putaud@jrc.it)
This course is mainly intended for Ph.D students, young scientist, and personnel from aerosol measuring stations involved in CRAICC, ACTRIS, GAW, GUAN, PEGASOS, UFIREG, and EMEP. The topics are interactively presented and discussed in English. Good English in understanding and speaking as well as basic aerosol knowledge is required.
The course is organized within the frame of the EU-project ACTRIS as well as the GAW-WCCAP, iLEAPS, the National ACCC Doctoral Programme, the Nordic Graduate School “Biosphere-Carbon-Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions” (CBACCI), Nordic Master’s Degree Programme “Atmosphere-Biosphere-Studies” (ABS), and Finnish Centre of Excellence "Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Meteorology of Atmospheric Composition and Climate Change".
Participation costs:
0 EUR for MSc students of ABS partner universities and PhD students of ACCC partner universities, 350 EUR for all other MSc and PhD students and young researchers from participating programs, 2000 EUR for non-students. The fee includes transfers between Helsinki and Hyytiälä, accommodation in two-person rooms, and full board (breakfast, lunch, afternoon coffee, dinner, and evening meal) during the course. There are a limited number of travel grants available for participants from Nordic and Baltic countries (Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, and Sweden).
Each participant should present a poster about the current or future work, including their expectations about the summer school.
Please, send your application and requests for further information on course contents, travel and accommodation to kaarle.hameri@helsinki.fi
Deadline for applications: March 1, 2013